This was a time of many changes in my life; I left my government job to buy a pizza shop and also decided to pursue my newfound passion for alternative health. I started studying remedial massage, reiki and aromatherapy. My friend Leanne had her beautiful home birth, and I was also invited to attend another friend’s homebirth and that’s where I met Erin*, a home birth midwife. Babies were being born all around me and before I knew it that magical clock that is hidden deep inside, finally started ticking loud enough for me to hear it.
My partner and I decided we were ready to have a baby, but first I needed to detox! I had been on the pill for over 10 years and wanted to ensure that this was fully out of my system before trying to conceive. I did a 10-day retreat which was focused on fasting and raw food. I came away from that experience feeling amazing and convinced that a raw plant-based diet was definitely the way to go. I took my temperature, checked my mucus and diligently tracked my cycle. I think it was a short 3 months later that the two little pink stripes on the stick revealed that I was indeed pregnant!